Alghabra Parfums

Ottoman Treasure

Extrait de Parfum

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Here's what other people are saying about Ottoman Treasure...
This is WAAAY too farm animal for me. And I don't understand it any better than you do if you consider the notes that are here. I'm sorry about it but it's a real hard pass. And I hate to diss a perfumer if I can also give a compliment so the flip side is that Alghabra King of Flowers is a joy. And really not very flowery at all. Check that one out instead...
By   - writer from Chicago on 3/18/2022
I received a generous sample of Ottoman Treasure recently and could not have been more impressed. Such a deep, luxuriant oriental with tremendous longevity. Even after several showers and nearly 48 hrs, I'm still getting occasional whiffs as a skin scent. I highly recommend sampling and buying a bottle, just like I plan to do!
By   - Attorney from St. Augustine on 9/21/2019